Thursday 7 June 2012

You Wish Success Was part of You?Then you need to Know this...

"Success in any field is as predictable as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west" Brian Tracy
I can tell you how successful people have done it,Its by setting a goal and staying with it until they achieve it.No matter the challenges we have to stand strong and unmoved knowing that we have a dream and a vision to achieve.
I always feel good by achieving my goals..Do u feel good too?This will depend with if you set your goals.A person with no goals to achieve even if he does achieve it will be nothing to him/her.
Secondly,Do u always strive to do something new?What feedback do u get from friends?Huh many friends will line up telling you that its impossible.In many cases people do quit from the feedback gotten from friends.Today onwards always rise above them and press on towards your goal.
In achieving success:-
  • You must take the first step,why am i saying this?The first step is what separates the winners and the lossers.
  • Decide upon your goal.What do i want to achieve?you cant achieve anything you must be specific.Get started and then take action.
  • You must know that the only time you have is now.Start now never wait for tomorrow.
  • In being successful you have to fly high.You then need to fly with the eagles be with the people who have big dreams,who are not deterred by obstacles.
  • Be clear about what you want to achieve ie the goals.Keep your minds open like an umbrella,be flexible in the process of your achievement.
  • Always know that "What happens to you is not an issue but what you respond to what happens to you counts"
  • And lastly No one does it alone.Get help from those who have achieved before.
Always strive to achieve because it will make the greatest impact.

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