Thursday 7 June 2012

How well do you manage your time?

You have a lot to accomplish? Do you always end up without competing some of the important tasks?Learn to concentrate on what is most important.first..Here is a way you can go about it:

Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish.

 Assign realistic priorities to each task
How long are this tasks going to take and when to accomplish them ie
Priority 1 due 5 pm etc

 Balance your effort. Work on small portions every day.Do the daily task and concentrate on the immediate tasks before attending other tasks.

Decide upon the time of day. Some people are more productive in the morning than the evening.

Manage time in increments. Play a game with yourself by competing against time.Work in fifteen minute, half hour .Give yourself a time limit to complete a portion of a task or the entire task 

Take a break. Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus.
Decide beforehand on a 5, 10 or 15 minute break and stick to that decision.During your break, reassess to develop a new perspectiveBreaks provide incentive by giving you something to look forward to

 Keep track of your progress.
  • Cross things off the list as they are completed.You'll feel more relieved and relaxed just by getting through the daily tasks.This will give you a sense of accomplishment and spur motivation.
 Reassess the list.
  • Rewrite and prioritize your list as needed.
  • Add new tasks to the list.
  • Eliminate certain tasks.
  • Delegate tasks to others.
  • Use technology to complete tasks more quickly, efficiently or accurately.
 Make sure to leave time for fun, it doesn't have to be a lot of time but make sure that you do!

 Sleep for 6-8 hours every night. If you don't sleep for the proper amount of time, you'll probably suffer from lack of concentration and focus and that won't allow you to function well.


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