Wednesday 27 June 2012

Identifying Our Uniqueness and Exploiting It to Help Others.

Was walking from my room to school when this thought came into my mind.First i asked myself what is in me that is unique?I started evaluating some of the things i have ever done that made me proud.
Do you that unique characteristic that you possess?This is the time to know it and yield it.When i was thinking of this i thought about God.Why did He create us UNIQUE?
We all have a seed of greatness in us.Let it blossom for the benefit of others.Its the uniqueness in people that have led to innovations,change in the way we do things.
Am on a process to find what is unique in me to exploit it to the fullest.For it not for Bill Gates computers we will not be using computers,for it not Wright brothers we couldn't be flying from one point to another and other great inventors too.
Its by discovering their uniqueness that made a change in the world.
You are unique too.What can you contribute to make a change?This is the moment.One of the greatest loss is not discovering what we possess and ending up leaving other peoples lives.

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