Saturday 16 June 2012

Dream Big

When i woke up today a thought occurred again in my mind.I have been thinking of this but never did i know i will put it in writing...
'If your dream is not scary it isn't big enough' why am i saying this?Many are times we dream dream small thus limiting ourselves to the real potential we carry within ourselves.
This happens to many and today am hear to encourage everyone reading this that Lets all DREAM BIG.Its by dreaming big that we find ourselves successful.

In Dreaming Big you Need to know the following.
  • Big dreams entails Risk-Southwest Airlines co-founder Herb
    Kelleher was willing to risk his career for four years together with his money while he fought in the courtrooms to get Southwest Airlines on the ground.
    Though airlines and DFW airlines fought Southwest in the courtrooms. Yet
    Kelleher was willing to risk everything to "fight the good fight." Why?
    Because he believed so strongly in the vision that nothing else mattered.
    • Big dreams cant be quantified-Why is this true?This is because it will always be in front of you and always in your future.
    • Big dreams should last longer than your lifetime since if you achieve them quickly it isnt a dream but just a goal.Dream big with your vision far into the future.Only big dreams can free the world.
    • Big dreams are source of Inspiration.Big dreams not only inspires you but it must also inspire your followers.
    Try Dreaming Big this is the time..Go..Go and dream the world is waiting for you.Expand your horizon,lift your vision to the Highest.

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