Sunday 24 June 2012

Follow Your Dream It Knows The Way...

Morning to you all.It have been quite some time though am good and strong just that one has to balance all the activities  that comes in his way.Hope you are having the best Sunday of your life time and if not its just today but life is always awesome.
Today am honored to say that after what i have been following all my life time has come to pass.Hmm.. cant believe its me..It started when i was in High school,I could stand before the class and try to encourage my classmates.I gave them hope for a better life everyday,I helped many solve their life issues ie Procastination,Loosing hope ,Discouragements and many more.
When i came to campus my dream started shaping up and i could always dream talking to thousands of people trying to encourage them to move on.I shared my dream with my former teacher Mr Mwangi who gave me hope and encouraged me to follow my dream it always takes us to the right direction.Mrs Maina too is my Heroine she encouraged me.
I started free school Mentorships in 2011 where could visit schools within our region and make a change in their life.Never did i know that i was following my dream.The feedback was great from Principals of the schools i visited called me and telling me the students have really changed.
From that moment it became part of me here in campus i have encouraged many at their point of despair giving hope to carry on.
On the month of June i came up with this blog my Dream is to help everybody become the best of himself...Am ready to take on reach many people visit all schools in Kenya and show the students what i have acquired.Its my dream i will follow it to the end.God who gives me strength and power to deliver what is in me to changes people's life will continue believing in Him.
It all starts by following your dream....Your Dream Knows The Way..Follow It and Become The Best you Have Desired to be...
Iam now ready to become an International Motivational Speaker..It all starts with a single step i BELIEVE IN MYSELF...You have to Believe in Yourself  Too...Have a Blessed Sunday.

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