Monday 18 June 2012

Appreciating who we are..

As i woke up this morning i asked myself why do i keep on looking down to my self as compared to my friends?Why cant i be like Jacob?I wish i was Bill Gates?All this can be achieved since everybody being unique has a seed of greatness in him.You can be like those people whom you admire in your life.I think they just realized their greatness and worked on them to become who they are.This gave me a new beginning to always appreciate whom I am.

I said to myself 'Am unique in my own way nobody is like me in the whole universe' That gave me  hope,I felt better and gained new strength.
Why do we always complain to a point of others saying they are bewitched reason being they aren't keeping up with their friends status.
Today am making you better by inspiring you to appreciate who you are.

This are some of the steps to guide you.
  • Always be positive.
This is by always looking yourself as a winner.In the words you speak reflect a positive attitude in you.We always tend to say,'I cant','Its not possible','I don't think i can do this' instead say I can,Its possible,I think i can do this.

  • Follow your dream.
You've got to be persistent in what you desire no matter how crazy your friends may perceive it.I remember one time a said to my friend that i want to be a motivational speaker this appeared crazy to some but now am in the ladder climbing bit by bit i will remain unmoved i can see my self there like Brian Tracy.
  • Be real
In order to find our self in the best place of appreciating who we are we've to be real,stick to the values which you believe in
  • Love ourselves
Self love starts by accepting who we are that's how we were created its unchanged so the best thing is to change the attitude and love ourselves.If you don't love yourself whom do you expect to love you?Start now by appreciating the better side of you.
Koenig said that in-order for one to be happy you have to appreciate what you possess not what you wish to have.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.   Koenig, Frederick

I am very positive that this will be your turning point..Let love who we are.

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