Thursday 28 June 2012

How would you like People to Remember You?

Today is another present that God has given us.To live and be the best hope your living upto to your dream.
This story caught my attention in a great way.'How Do I wish to be Remembered?'This have made me realize av got a great task to do to live a good name behind.
This is the story....
One Morning, a man looked at the morning newspaper and to his surprise and horror, read his name in the obituary column. The news papers had reported the death of the wrong person by mistake. His first response was shock. Am I here or there? When he regained his composure, his second thought was to find out what people had said about him. The obituary read, "Dynamite King Dies." And also "He was the merchant of death." This man was the inventor of dynamite and when he read the words "merchant of death," he asked himself a question, "Is this how I am going to be remembered?" He got in touch with his feelings and decided that this was not the way he wanted to be remembered. From that day on, he started working toward peace. His name was Alfred Nobel and he is remembered today by the great Nobel Prize.
Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his feelings and redefined his values, we should step back and do the same.
What is your legacy?
How would you like to be remembered?
Will you be spoken well of?
Will you be remembered with love and respect?
Will you be missed?
You have a task redefine yourself and leave a good name behind....

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Identifying Our Uniqueness and Exploiting It to Help Others.

Was walking from my room to school when this thought came into my mind.First i asked myself what is in me that is unique?I started evaluating some of the things i have ever done that made me proud.
Do you that unique characteristic that you possess?This is the time to know it and yield it.When i was thinking of this i thought about God.Why did He create us UNIQUE?
We all have a seed of greatness in us.Let it blossom for the benefit of others.Its the uniqueness in people that have led to innovations,change in the way we do things.
Am on a process to find what is unique in me to exploit it to the fullest.For it not for Bill Gates computers we will not be using computers,for it not Wright brothers we couldn't be flying from one point to another and other great inventors too.
Its by discovering their uniqueness that made a change in the world.
You are unique too.What can you contribute to make a change?This is the moment.One of the greatest loss is not discovering what we possess and ending up leaving other peoples lives.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Follow Your Dream It Knows The Way...

Morning to you all.It have been quite some time though am good and strong just that one has to balance all the activities  that comes in his way.Hope you are having the best Sunday of your life time and if not its just today but life is always awesome.
Today am honored to say that after what i have been following all my life time has come to pass.Hmm.. cant believe its me..It started when i was in High school,I could stand before the class and try to encourage my classmates.I gave them hope for a better life everyday,I helped many solve their life issues ie Procastination,Loosing hope ,Discouragements and many more.
When i came to campus my dream started shaping up and i could always dream talking to thousands of people trying to encourage them to move on.I shared my dream with my former teacher Mr Mwangi who gave me hope and encouraged me to follow my dream it always takes us to the right direction.Mrs Maina too is my Heroine she encouraged me.
I started free school Mentorships in 2011 where could visit schools within our region and make a change in their life.Never did i know that i was following my dream.The feedback was great from Principals of the schools i visited called me and telling me the students have really changed.
From that moment it became part of me here in campus i have encouraged many at their point of despair giving hope to carry on.
On the month of June i came up with this blog my Dream is to help everybody become the best of himself...Am ready to take on reach many people visit all schools in Kenya and show the students what i have acquired.Its my dream i will follow it to the end.God who gives me strength and power to deliver what is in me to changes people's life will continue believing in Him.
It all starts by following your dream....Your Dream Knows The Way..Follow It and Become The Best you Have Desired to be...
Iam now ready to become an International Motivational Speaker..It all starts with a single step i BELIEVE IN MYSELF...You have to Believe in Yourself  Too...Have a Blessed Sunday.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Lets learn from the ant.

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

  Ants are diligent and prudent: diligent by working hard without coercion, and prudent by saving part of all production. You need to learn these two basic rules for success to amount to anything in life.

Prov 6:6

Monday 18 June 2012

Appreciating who we are..

As i woke up this morning i asked myself why do i keep on looking down to my self as compared to my friends?Why cant i be like Jacob?I wish i was Bill Gates?All this can be achieved since everybody being unique has a seed of greatness in him.You can be like those people whom you admire in your life.I think they just realized their greatness and worked on them to become who they are.This gave me a new beginning to always appreciate whom I am.

I said to myself 'Am unique in my own way nobody is like me in the whole universe' That gave me  hope,I felt better and gained new strength.
Why do we always complain to a point of others saying they are bewitched reason being they aren't keeping up with their friends status.
Today am making you better by inspiring you to appreciate who you are.

This are some of the steps to guide you.
  • Always be positive.
This is by always looking yourself as a winner.In the words you speak reflect a positive attitude in you.We always tend to say,'I cant','Its not possible','I don't think i can do this' instead say I can,Its possible,I think i can do this.

  • Follow your dream.
You've got to be persistent in what you desire no matter how crazy your friends may perceive it.I remember one time a said to my friend that i want to be a motivational speaker this appeared crazy to some but now am in the ladder climbing bit by bit i will remain unmoved i can see my self there like Brian Tracy.
  • Be real
In order to find our self in the best place of appreciating who we are we've to be real,stick to the values which you believe in
  • Love ourselves
Self love starts by accepting who we are that's how we were created its unchanged so the best thing is to change the attitude and love ourselves.If you don't love yourself whom do you expect to love you?Start now by appreciating the better side of you.
Koenig said that in-order for one to be happy you have to appreciate what you possess not what you wish to have.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.   Koenig, Frederick

I am very positive that this will be your turning point..Let love who we are.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Happy Dad's Day

Fathers Day is here with us what do you have for your dad?Do something for your Dad today whatever small it is by calling,buying a card or telling him how important he is.
They need our love not only Today but everyday in our lives.

I Want to Be Just Like You
In a time when fathers are totally absent,
gone most of the time,
or physically present but mentally distracted,
you are there for me
 looking at me, listening to me
understanding me, talking with me.
You make time for me
even when it's inconvenient for you.
You make me feel important to you.
I learn from you when you teach me,
when I watch you do things,
and when I observe you
just being you—a terrific father.
Every affectionate smile you give me,
every pat on the back, every hug
shows me you love me,
that you're proud of me.
These are things I'll remember
to do for my own kids.
You're a great role model, Dad.
I want to be just like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
 Lets all celebrate this moment not only today but always.....

Dream Big

When i woke up today a thought occurred again in my mind.I have been thinking of this but never did i know i will put it in writing...
'If your dream is not scary it isn't big enough' why am i saying this?Many are times we dream dream small thus limiting ourselves to the real potential we carry within ourselves.
This happens to many and today am hear to encourage everyone reading this that Lets all DREAM BIG.Its by dreaming big that we find ourselves successful.

In Dreaming Big you Need to know the following.
  • Big dreams entails Risk-Southwest Airlines co-founder Herb
    Kelleher was willing to risk his career for four years together with his money while he fought in the courtrooms to get Southwest Airlines on the ground.
    Though airlines and DFW airlines fought Southwest in the courtrooms. Yet
    Kelleher was willing to risk everything to "fight the good fight." Why?
    Because he believed so strongly in the vision that nothing else mattered.
    • Big dreams cant be quantified-Why is this true?This is because it will always be in front of you and always in your future.
    • Big dreams should last longer than your lifetime since if you achieve them quickly it isnt a dream but just a goal.Dream big with your vision far into the future.Only big dreams can free the world.
    • Big dreams are source of Inspiration.Big dreams not only inspires you but it must also inspire your followers.
    Try Dreaming Big this is the time..Go..Go and dream the world is waiting for you.Expand your horizon,lift your vision to the Highest.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

It takes courage and Faith to do it.Move on go go and do the best you fill you can.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Carrying On.

Many are times when we tend to give up even when we are about to reach at our destination.Why does it happen?Is it because we lack patience or we say in our hearts that its impossible?
Today lets say in our hearts that we can.Having a positive attitude towards our goals gives us the courage and power to move on.Sometimes despite difficult moments there is always a whisper from within saying....'Carry On' ..but we tend to ignore and thus giving up.
Giving up is not the best to do believe in yourself that things will be okay by doing so you will be smiling after achieving what you have been desiring.
The Late Prof Wangari Maathai never gave up in standing on what she believed.She was ill treated but she kept on fighting to preserve nature,she will be remembered by many generations.This happened because she never gave up.Steve Jobs even after dropping out of school he believed in himself never did he gave thus bringing a new face to technology.
You have to have faith,believe all will be well coz at the ends surely all ends well.
Always there is a seed of greatness within ourselves which can only be seen in us by never giving up.
 Mark 4:26-27,28-29 – Faith is like a seed; plant it in your heart. God gives the harvest at the appointed time.
I have a always liked a poem by Robert William "Carry On".It gives me hope even when am almost giving up.Carrying on even when things doesn't seem right.
Ngotho Alexander

Carry On

It's easy to fight when everything's right,
And you're mad with the thrill and the glory;
It's easy to cheer when victory's near,
And wallow in fields that are gory.
It's a different song when everything's wrong,
When you're feeling infernally mortal;
When it's ten against one, and hope there is none,
Buck up, little soldier, and chortle:

Carry on! Carry on!
There isn't much punch in your blow.
You're glaring and staring and hitting out blind;
You're muddy and bloody, but never you mind.
Carry on! Carry on!
You haven't the ghost of a show.
It's looking like death, but while you've a breath,
Carry on, my son! Carry on!

And so in the strife of the battle of life
It's easy to fight when you're winning;
It's easy to slave, and starve and be brave,
When the dawn of success is beginning.
But the man who can meet despair and defeat
With a cheer, there's the man of God's choosing;
The man who can fight to Heaven's own height
Is the man who can fight when he's losing.

Carry on! Carry on!
Things never were looming so black.
But show that you haven't a cowardly streak,
And though you're unlucky you never are weak.
Carry on! Carry on!
Brace up for another attack.
It's looking like hell, but -- you never can tell:
Carry on, old man! Carry on!

There are some who drift out in the deserts of doubt,
And some who in brutishness wallow;
There are others, I know, who in piety go
Because of a Heaven to follow.
But to labour with zest, and to give of your best,
For the sweetness and joy of the giving;
To help folks along with a hand and a song;
Why, there's the real sunshine of living.

Carry on! Carry on!
Fight the good fight and true;
Believe in your mission, greet life with a cheer;
There's big work to do, and that's why you are here.
Carry on! Carry on!
Let the world be the better for you;
And at last when you die, let this be your cry:
Carry on, my soul! Carry on!

Robert William
Hope your life will take a new turn like after reading this.

Monday 11 June 2012


Its much grief after what happened yesterday 10th June,2012.After a plane crashed at Ngong Forest.It was a tragedy which up to now Kenyans are in disbelieve,losing our great heroes who have made a change in this country in one way or onother.

This include:-
  •  Geoge saitoti
  • Olwa Ojonde
  • Nancy Gituanja
  •  Thomas Murimi
  • Luke Oyugi
  • Joshua Tongei. 
Am joining my fellow Kenyans at this moment of sorrow.May the Families,relatives and close friends of the departed find peace in their heart.
We will remember great moments of the victims cant forget how Assistant Minister Olwa Ojonde could  respond questions in Parliament,he stood firm in what he believed always unmoved.
Professor of Mathematics George Saitoti you are a hero to many,bring a change in every Ministry you held.The other victims too you remain in our hearts.

Saturday 9 June 2012

How well do you communicate in Public?

How well do you present yourself to the audience?Often we see it as a simple exercise.To some things do not work as they expected.They end up messing every good thing they had
When we were making a presentation in class sometimes back i sat and wondered, how will i ensure that i deliver the best to my classmates.It was challenge i had a lot to tell them but when my turn came i went blank.How did it happen?I could ask myself.
This being a challenge not even we as students but to anybody who stands among the people and talk to them.
How can you ensure your message is understood?
  •  Be prepared
  • You can keep the message simple
  • Be natural
  • Keep the message clear and concise.
You can prepare by asking yourself:-
  • Who are you speaking to?Their interests,their values.How are they unique?
  • What are you wishing to communicate?
  • How are you going to deliver your message?Choose the words you use,non verbal cues with your audience in mind.Have a plan ie the beginning,the middle and the end.
  • When are you delivering?Is it in time with the matters at hand?
  • Where ie the place this will help you check availability of the aids you need to use ie audio,visual etc
  • Why?Know why the listeners should listen you,the value or worth of what you are going to say
Lastly use short words and sentences,be calm and use examples easy to understand which will help people understand your message.

Thursday 7 June 2012

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You Wish Success Was part of You?Then you need to Know this...

"Success in any field is as predictable as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west" Brian Tracy
I can tell you how successful people have done it,Its by setting a goal and staying with it until they achieve it.No matter the challenges we have to stand strong and unmoved knowing that we have a dream and a vision to achieve.
I always feel good by achieving my goals..Do u feel good too?This will depend with if you set your goals.A person with no goals to achieve even if he does achieve it will be nothing to him/her.
Secondly,Do u always strive to do something new?What feedback do u get from friends?Huh many friends will line up telling you that its impossible.In many cases people do quit from the feedback gotten from friends.Today onwards always rise above them and press on towards your goal.
In achieving success:-
  • You must take the first step,why am i saying this?The first step is what separates the winners and the lossers.
  • Decide upon your goal.What do i want to achieve?you cant achieve anything you must be specific.Get started and then take action.
  • You must know that the only time you have is now.Start now never wait for tomorrow.
  • In being successful you have to fly high.You then need to fly with the eagles be with the people who have big dreams,who are not deterred by obstacles.
  • Be clear about what you want to achieve ie the goals.Keep your minds open like an umbrella,be flexible in the process of your achievement.
  • Always know that "What happens to you is not an issue but what you respond to what happens to you counts"
  • And lastly No one does it alone.Get help from those who have achieved before.
Always strive to achieve because it will make the greatest impact.

Becoming a Better You: Becoming A better You

Becoming a Better You: Becoming A better You: This is a blog created to help people improve their lives through learning new ideas,way of doing things,personal improvement. It will insp...

How well do you manage your time?

You have a lot to accomplish? Do you always end up without competing some of the important tasks?Learn to concentrate on what is most important.first..Here is a way you can go about it:

Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish.

 Assign realistic priorities to each task
How long are this tasks going to take and when to accomplish them ie
Priority 1 due 5 pm etc

 Balance your effort. Work on small portions every day.Do the daily task and concentrate on the immediate tasks before attending other tasks.

Decide upon the time of day. Some people are more productive in the morning than the evening.

Manage time in increments. Play a game with yourself by competing against time.Work in fifteen minute, half hour .Give yourself a time limit to complete a portion of a task or the entire task 

Take a break. Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus.
Decide beforehand on a 5, 10 or 15 minute break and stick to that decision.During your break, reassess to develop a new perspectiveBreaks provide incentive by giving you something to look forward to

 Keep track of your progress.
  • Cross things off the list as they are completed.You'll feel more relieved and relaxed just by getting through the daily tasks.This will give you a sense of accomplishment and spur motivation.
 Reassess the list.
  • Rewrite and prioritize your list as needed.
  • Add new tasks to the list.
  • Eliminate certain tasks.
  • Delegate tasks to others.
  • Use technology to complete tasks more quickly, efficiently or accurately.
 Make sure to leave time for fun, it doesn't have to be a lot of time but make sure that you do!

 Sleep for 6-8 hours every night. If you don't sleep for the proper amount of time, you'll probably suffer from lack of concentration and focus and that won't allow you to function well.


Becoming A better You

This is a blog created to help people improve their lives through learning new ideas,way of doing things,personal improvement.
It will inspire people, lives by helping them become better.
Ngotho Alexander